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Introduction to ADVANCED Dronery#

By this point, you should have built your workshop drone, flashed it with betaflight, and proceeded to maiden flight with it. However, to achieve autonomous or semi-autonomous functionality, a more powerful flight controller with a compatible firmware and more sensors are required for the drone to detect changes in its surroundings. This document will primarily focus on some of the required steps for autonomous flight and the interfacing of sensors with the two main autonomous flightstacks(Ardupilot and PX4).

Disclaimer from the authors
This is a collection of notes taken down by past and present MRS members. This is by no means extensive of what is needed to be known for those competitions nor is it fully fact checked.

Some videos for more advanced or indepth topics if you would like to know more#

Electronic Speed Controllers (ESCs) and how they drive Brushless Motors

Understanding PID Control

Drone Control Dynamics 1

Drone Control Dynamics 2

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